Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Old paper thats been on my mind.

I've come back to this conversation several times in the past two days. I keep coming back to a paragraph i wrote for my English class several years ago. I thought i'd share with you since its been on my mind so heavily lately.

 I long for the days of pink ribbons and strong males. the days when men and womens rolls were not blurred but defined the way God intends. Forty to fifty years ago girls were looked at as delicate creatures, created as help-mates to men. men were regarded as providers and protectors. in todays society womens lib. runs wild proclaiming the days of poodle skirts and bananna curls as repression and our so called "protectors" as the repress-ors. Pink was for girls and blue was for boys. Today I dont think anyone would know the difference. The gender rolls are consistently being blurred into one giant unisex society. Marriage is not regarded as the sacred bond a man and woman share, but the whim any two humans, male or female should have the right to take on or take back whenever they want. I only wish we could go back to those poodle skirt and pink ribbon days


  1. I remember when you wrote this and your prof thought it was tongue-in-cheek. So what are you thoughts about it now?

  2. Whats really funny is she gave this to another teacher that used it in her class as an example of a sardonic paper and my friend was in that class!! He said his teacher kept talking about how the author was obviously a feminist and why and the whole time he was thinking "what!? no...this girl is serious" hahaha
    I still agree with it. The whole genders mixing has really hit close to home lately. I'm a strong woman but I'm strong enough to know what God has called me to be. I want to be a help-mate. I know I'm different then most people lol but in my future marriage I want to be in ministry working as partners in it, but I agree with classic gender rolls for the most part. I mean yes I want to be a housewife/mom..I also want to be a world changer in a anything-but-typical ministry. I think it can be done for sure.
