Sunday, September 5, 2010

Changing of the Seasons

God is changing me with the seasons..all the old is dying and falling off...I'm not looking forward to the winter of preparation...but I'm excited for the spring!    The Lord really spoke to me tonight that He is about to change me. The past couple weeks I have been feeling that He is preparing me for ministry and the desires of my heart. I know that I am not the person I need to be for that to happen. He is about to do some major work making me the woman I have always been called to be. He hit me while I was driving to my parents house tonight. I am changing with the seasons. There are things that are a part of me right now that need to dry up and fall off like the leaves of a great oak. After He has removed all the those things comes the time of just Him and me and learning. Finally after a long winter comes the spring. He is going to bloom new things in my life..and a new beauty. I will have new flowers and new fruit in my life. I am a very far way from being that woman, and while I am excited to become her...I am scared about the trip. Without great pain their can be no great change. No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way" (Hebrews 12:11)

1 comment:

  1. Great analogy Amy. We all go through times in which we have to shed off habits or traits etc. You are a strong resilient woman and you do not ever need to be ashamed of who you are!
    As always (well at least since round 2 of our friendship) I support whatever you decide about yourself!
